

  1. Visit the Center for International Education (CIE) Office and pick up a brochure.

  2. Attend a 出国留学 Information Session which are generally scheduled for Friday afternoons or attend a 出国留学 Fair to collect information for various programs.

  3. 把你的注意力集中在两三个项目上. Choose a program in consultation with the study abroad advisor, 你的学术顾问和, 如果合适的话, 你的父母.

  4. Complete a class audit with your advisor to determine which courses should be completed overseas. It is recommended that you save general electives and GEP courses to take overseas.



  1. You will also have to arrange for a letter of reference in support of your application to be sent to CIE.

    *** Please note *** The application requires a one page statement of your goals for the specific study abroad program to which you intend to apply.

  2. 申请具体的留学项目. This may be to an FSU coordinator, another university, or one of our affiliated programs. 截止日期和申请材料各不相同. Most study abroad programs require a non-refundable application fee, so you may wish to delay your application until you have been approved to participate in 出国留学. Bring your forms to the CIE office and CIE will mail them for you.

  3. 如果感兴趣, then apply for 出国留学 scholarships through the CIE Office, 你的部门, 或者其他组织.

  4. Visit the 金融援助 Office in Pullen Hall to determine whether you will be able to use your financial aid package overseas. Fill out financial aid forms as early as possible and return them to the CIE for signing. These forms are provided in your acceptance packet and will be forwarded to the 金融援助 Office upon completion.


  1. Do not assume that just because you submit an application form you will automatically be accepted. Please wait for your official letter of acceptance to arrive. This letter will contain information explaining the steps you will need to follow and forms you need to complete.

  2. You will be required to promptly pay the $150 出国留学 fee. You will also need to purchase a passport (if you do not already have one), CISI旅行保险, 你的机票呢?. 这三个步骤需要尽早完成, and you will be given instructions for how to do this and how to make payments.

  3. The Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI) travel insurance provides adequate health insurance for study abroad students. You may also need to visit your doctor for various immunizations.

  4. The CIE will register you with the Registrar's Office for the semester you will be away. This will be done whether you will be making payments to FSU or to an overseas institution.

  5. You may need to make arrangements with the Registrar's Office, the 金融援助 Office and the 居住生活 Office regarding your return from overseas. 他们需要知道你是否打算继续在澳门赌城官方网站学习, 你不在时谁负责签署文件, 你回来后是否打算住在校园里. If you are planning to graduate soon, you will need to apply for graduation. CIE办公室将协助处理这些事宜.

  6. Finally, you will be required to attend one or more pre-departure orientation sessions. These informative sessions are designed to prepare you for your trip and to provide information about travel arrangements, 海外房地产, 国外学术体系, 还有一些你在海外可能遇到的习俗. 澳门十大赌城官方网站还提供有关健康和安全的信息, 国际法规, 以及你需要熟悉的法律.


  • Remember to start planning well in advance for a study abroad experience. If you want to study abroad in the Fall, you should start planning during the previous Fall semester. Study abroad involves some paperwork and preparation, but once you get there, it's worth it!

  • It is recommended that you study abroad during your sophomore or junior years, although you may study abroad during your senior year as well. 然而, seniors should carefully review their 出国留学 plans to be certain all degree requirements will be completed.

  • 出国留学的学生必须:

    • 有良好的学术成绩.
    • maintain that standing the entire time prior to departure (2.GPA最低5分).
    • 已修满24学分.

  • You may study abroad for a semester, a summer session, an intersession, or the entire academic year. Currently financial aid packages only cover students abroad during the Fall and Spring semesters (with some exceptions). Remember that if you study in the Southern Hemisphere (Australia, 新西兰, South America or South Africa) the academic year begins in February and ends in November.

  • 有许多不同类型的节目. 以下是这些类型的基本分类:

    • 出国留学 Exchanges - You exchange a place with a student overseas, and you pay your normal tuition (and sometimes room and board) and fees to FSU.
    • FSU 教师-led 项目 - FSU students travel overseas with an FSU faculty member and enroll in an FSU course or courses.
    • Direct Enrollment or Affiliated Providers - You enroll in a program overseas directly or through FSU 或者其他组织, 比如AIFS, GlobaLinks, 东航, gl, 或坐.
    • Service Learning - Study abroad that is combined with either volunteer or paid part-time employment which is relevant to your studies.
    • Internship Abroad / Work Abroad - There are a number of ways to 海外工作. You may volunteer through organizations such as the Peace Corps, 在当地的服务机构找份工作, 或者参加海外实习. 为了收到付款 海外工作 you must make arrangements for a work permit well in advance.