Retired Employee 关注的焦点 - Cynthia "Cindy" (Chabot) Powers '88


eNews Retired Employee 关注的焦点 highlights former employees who made a difference on our campus every day and helped to change the lives of our students. This edition of eNews features Cynthia "Cindy" (Chabot) Powers '88.

Department Retired From: 大学警察 Department, Sergeant


How long did you work at FSU?

I started in 1979 as a Cashier/Fiscal Clerk at the Frostburg State College Bookstore. I worked at the bookstore for close to two years when I heard the 校园 Police Department had a job opening. The position piqued my interest, so I applied. I was fortunate to be offered the job that I loved doing until my retirement in 2009. When I retired, I had a total of 34 years of service, 4 in the U.S. Air Force and 30 at FSU.

What 3 words can you use to describe FSU?

Caring, Intimate, and Surprising 

List any professional or personal accomplishments we can celebrate with you.

One of my objectives while on the job was the prevention of rape and sexual assault on campus and in the community. I worked diligently throughout my career with 居住生活, 学生团体, 教员/员工, and community groups to give them information about rape and sexual assault and to discuss prevention tips/ideas.

在个人方面, I was awarded the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award by my peers in the Frostburg Lions Club, which is the highest form of recognition by the club. Also, my husband, Larry, and I just celebrated our 40th Wedding Anniversary in June!

What was your favorite thing about working at Frostburg State University?

Hands down, the PEOPLE! Due to the nature of my duties, I wasn't confined to an office. I got to interact with a variety of people in their daily routines. I was able to observe how they worked with students and colleagues, many of those moments left a lasting impression on me.  

What advice would you give to current students?

Expand your education by putting yourself out there, 尝试新事物, talking to your neighbors, getting involved on the campus and in the community! Your classes are important but so are your experiences in life!

What is a cause near and dear to your heart and why?

The condition of the Earth, its oceans and wildlife, has been a concern of mine since my late teens when I joined the Cousteau Society. I remember at the time reading something Jacques-Yves Cousteau said about how the Earth is not ours, that we only borrow it for the short time we are here and then must pass it on. That really resonated with me and still does. 最近的一个原因, probably within the last 20 years, would be finding a cure for Alzheimer's as my father, 叔叔, and some friends of mine have suffered from the disease.

What do you do for fun or keeps you busy in retirement?

I volunteer two mornings a week at a food pantry in Frostburg and work for the Allegany County Board of Elections during election time. Fun involves family, travel, or both. I caught the “travel bug” as a young child and still love it, foreign or domestic. As for family, my four sisters and I look for or make up reasons to get together. Sometimes it’s just the five of us or it can grow to include 12 of my nieces and nephews. I also enjoy going to Baltimore Orioles games. 

Do you stay connected to other retirees or current 教员/员工?

是的,我有! The FSU retirees meet for breakfast on the last Monday of every month, and I have lunch periodically with some of my coworkers from the police department. I also make an effort to attend the yearly retiree’s luncheon that FSU hosts. I didn't just walk away from the University when I retired, I continue to stop in at the Police Department and other offices occasionally where friends still work, and I volunteer every year as an usher for the Cultural Event Series on campus.

Cindy with her four sisters - Shelley, Natalie, Cathy and Debbie








辛迪和拉里·鲍尔斯Cindy and her husband, Larry