Alumni Spotlight - Warren Evans '23

Jan 3, 2024 10:00 AM

josey wiedenhaefereNews Alumni Spotlight highlights alumni who give back to Frostburg in some way – time, talent, treasure or any combination. This edition of eNews features Warren Evans '23.

Current City: Manhattan, NY

Current Occupation: Markets Analyst, JPMorgan Chase & Co. 

Why do you love FSU?

I love Frostburg because it brought me my lifelong friends.

Why do you give back (time, talent and/or treasure) to FSU?

I choose to give back to Frostburg because it has given me opportunities to meet and connect with people from all around the world. 

Why do you do for fun?

During my free time, I like to play golf and go snowboarding with friends.

Tell us about a class or activity at FSU that has had a surprising effect on your life.

The people I met during my freshman year are some of my closest friends today.

What is your favorite movie?

Fast and Furious

What is your favorite memory of your time as a Frostburg student?

Playing lacrosse with my brothers

What is a cause dear to your heart?

Breast cancer research

Tell us about a person or persons from FSU who had an impact on your life. 

Ali Ashraf was my professor for my finance classes. He gave me my passion for finance and always pushed me to be a better version of myself.  

What is your favorite comfort food?

Buffalo wings

What is your favorite vacation spot?

Aspen, Colorado

Who is your doppleganger (famous person you resemble)?

Warren Buffet

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Software Engineer